The Atelier is a space for children to translate conceptual ideas and imaginations while incorporating various artistic mediums and forms. Explorations are guided and facilitated by our resident Atelierista who works collaboratively with educators to support ‘the hundred languages of children’. These hundred languages offer an extensive means of creative and symbolic expressions.
Equipped with provocations and loose parts, the environment plays a vital role as a third teacher that continually invites ideas and creativity. The overall setting within the space is constantly evolving depending on the exploration, allowing children to immerse in the present moment. Our Atelier sets a strong value in providing supported resources for children to develop ongoing research and inquiry.
Children enter the space in small groups to enhance and engage in in-depth experimentation while working with their peers. Theories, questions and hypotheses are expressed and shared across as we believe children are capable of leading their own learning. Every progress and process will be observed and documented to encourage any further investigations or interests. Our inquiry in the Atelier sets no limits or restrictions, it could last for quite a while or up to months.
Besides manifesting their relationship with materiality, the richness of the space gives children the freedom to constantly invent, create and develop new forms of discovery in exchange for different perspectives and learning experiences.